Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Linked by Love Mall Walk

May 22 marked the first "Linked by Love" LGBT visibility Mall Walk. Over 30 participants, same-sex couples, family members, friends and supporters donned messaged t-shirts and strolled through Marketplace Mall in Henrietta to call attention to the fact that gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people and couples are linked by love to each other, to family, friends and the community at large. The event advocated for support of Marriage Equality for same-sex couples.

The Times of Harvey Milk

As part of the national Harvey Milk week of action May 17 - 22, EqualityROC and the Gay Alliance co-sponsored a showing of the academy award winning documentary "The Times of Harvey Milk" on May 19. A lively discussion concerning visibility and the evolving nature of the LGBT civil rights movement followed.