Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 5, 2011 Tying the Knot: A Community Forum on Marriage Equality hosted by Equality Rochester

Marriage equality for same-sex couples. What does that mean . . . and who or what does it impact? There are thousands of rights, benefits and responsibilities attached to a $40.00 civil Marriage License readily available to a heterosexual couple. While New York's state legislature has not extended access to civil marriage to same-sex couples, the momentum of public opinion has swung to support equal protections for gay and lesbian couples and their families.
The event featured a clip from the movie Tying the Knot and a discussion examining the potential impact of extending the protections of civil marriage to same-sex couples in New York state. our panel of speakers included Mr. Scott Fearing, Program Director of the Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley, Reverend Jim Mulcahy Senior Pastor of Open Arms Metropoletan Community Church in Chili, and a married same-sex couple who call Irondequiot home - Kitty Moran and Debbie Heinz.